Spam mı? Üçkağıt mı? Her ikiside mi? mail adresinden içeriği aşağıdaki gibi olan bir mail geldi. Başka bir konu ile ilgili olsa sadece spam diye geçiştirebilirdik fakat usta bir üçkağıt gibi görünüyor. Ne olduğu belli olmayan bir firma kredi kartı bilgilerimi istiyor. Üstelik domain register firmam ile de hiçbir ilgisi yok. Bu maile inanıp kimseye kredi kartı bilgileriniz vermemenizi tavsiye ederim.

It is time to renew your domain name

Your domain name will expire within 90 days.
You may renew your domain automatically with Domain Renewal. Click on the link in this
e-mail to renew the domain for another year. You should renew your domain as soon as
possible in order for it to continue to be registered in your name.

Click here if you wish to renew your domain

As soon as we have received your payment, you will receive a confirmation that your domain
has been renewed.

Services and information about Domain Renewal
Domain Renewal maintains domain addresses, and registers and consults companies in
relation to Internet domain ownership. We inform businesses about which domains are
registered, and remind them if a domain is due to expire, or when it is time to renew a domain.
If you want Domain Renewal to extend the domain for you, we ask you to click on the link in
this e-mail. If you do not wish to use your domain after the due date for renewal, you may
disregard this e-mail. When Domain Renewal extends your domain no information will be
changed in the “Whois” information section. The domain will be extended for 1 year. You will
therefore continue with your current supplier. You may also request your Internet Service
Provider to renew the domain for you. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate
to contact our customer service centre by sending an e-mail to

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Spam mı? Üç kağıt mı? Her ikiside mi?